Friday, March 21, 2014

Food for fun until One!

Two months into the exploration of food and Chloe is definitely having fun!  And so are we.  We skipped "baby" food and went straight for the real stuff. "Baby-led weaning." A concept commonly practiced in the UK, where the term "weaning" means something very different than we are used to thinking.  Baby leads the way and feeds herself.

We started with the already soft and mushy stuff: avocado, banana, cucumber with hummus

Broccoli was a fast fave.  Saving photos for blackmail, just in case little miss contests in her primary years.

Marmite on Toast
One in each hand, always!

Oatmeal and Banana is another great breakfast choice


Hamburger and Peas

Tuna Fish and Blueberries

Green Smoothie
(Cucumber, Kale, Pear)

Scrambled Eggs, Avocado and Toast

Spinach Pancakes

Beef and Barley Soup

Toast with Blackberries

Chicken, Hummus, Peas and Bell Peppers

We love take out, too!  Chipotle is so good, there is no time to bother with our hands. Blanco has an awesome veggie hash that was a major hit.

A nutritious meal of Quinoa, Rice, Black Beans and Sausage that Chloe just loves

Playing and exploring with food leads to quite a mess, but luckily we have a fantastic clean-up crew on hand that volunteer their services most eagerly!  We just place the tray on the floor and then Jack and Poppy hit the seat for all the treasure Chloe left behind.

She is also loving to play the sharing game with them!

A lot of meals end up rolling over straight into bathtime, too. I don't think she minds.

From Bison and Salmon to Chicken and Beef, Chloe loves any meat we put on her tray.  Bananas are a hit or miss and applesauce?  Yuck!  Eggs and tomatoes are questionable as she broke out in some mild hives while they were 'newish' foods so we've pulled them out, but just tried strawberries and so far so good!  We think we will start nut butters sometime soon.

It is really fun, and while nerve wracking at times, she really is learning a lot from hit.  Her hand eye coordination seems to be really good, picking up individual peas and getting them in her mouth. She doesn't always eat that much, however.  But that's okay.  Why we are in the mindset of "food for fun until one."

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